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Cancellation and Refund Policy

Get in Touch

Cancellation of membership: write to with your GradsKey registered user name, email id. Our team would get back to you, verify and delete your account.

Any refund requests of the course / program should be send to with your details like, registered course / program name, your gradskey user id, email, and payment proof, reason for cancellation.
Please note that cancellation & refund policy for each course / program is listed in the respective course registration page, and according to that your refund requrest would be processed.

Refund, once approved, would take a minimum of 3 working days and maxmimum of 15 working days to complete.


Mon - Sat

+91 99808 08619

09:00 AM - 05:00 PM, Only Whatsapp Messages, No calls would be attended.

Send us your query anytime!