Data Science with Data Analytics and Data Visualization

for Commerce, Arts, Science, Engineering, Management, Account/Finance Students and Professionals.
Certification jointly by IIT MADRAS PRAVARTAK and GRADSKEY
About IIT Madras Pravartak Skilling Partnership with Gradskey

Register ₹10,000 7,990/- for limited period offer.

Only 25% of the fee for economically deserving students.

Before now, data analytics tasks were reserved for data practitioners; as AI becomes commonplace, business/non-technical individuals can now create dashboards for data visualization and advanced data querying. AI enables users to perform data analytics functions by communicating with the system using natural language processing. This generational change in data analytics allows for quicker and easier access to data insights, enabling decision-makers to make data-driven decisions without relying on technical experts. This certification program is designed for anyone, who like to sharpen their skills in Data Science at a broader perspective, by learning coding, applications and use case experiences from scratch.
Data Visualisation with Tableau, Matplotlib, Ploty, Bokesh Lirararies, and Dash Framework.
Data Analytics with Pandas Library, DataWrangler, EDA techniques/tools, Google Cloud AutoML Tables, etc.

This course is for pre-final year / final year College Students from any degree/discipline and for Freshers who are looking for a job switch to Java Full Stack domains.

Syllabus Topics:
  • Introduction to Data Science and Programming Fundamentals (4 week)
  • Overview of data science and its role in various industries
  • Types of data and their characteristics
  • Data collection, storage, and retrieval methods
  • Basic data analysis techniques and tool

  • Programming Fundamentals
  • Introduction to programming languages, particularly Python or R
  • Data types, operators, and expressions
  • Control structures and functions
  • Debugging and error handling
  • Working with external libraries and APIs

  • Data Visualization (4 weeks)
  • Principals of data visualization and storytelling
  • Data visualization tools and libraries
  • no-code/low-code Tableau Platform
  • and Matplotlib, Plotly Libraries
  • Plotting charts, graphs, and maps
  • Interactive data visualization using web-based tools and frameworks
  • Plotly, Bokeh Libraries, and Dash framework.

  • Data Analysis (4 weeks)
  • Data cleaning and preprocessing techniques - Pandas Library, DataWrangler tool
  • Exploratory data analysis (EDA) techniques - no-code/low-code with Tableau
  • Linear regression and predictive modeling - with no-code/low-code Google Cloud AutoML Tables.
  • Time-series analysis and forecasting - with no-code/low-code Google Cloud AutoML Tables.
  • FAQ

    Yes. You will get IIT Madras Pravartak Foundation Certificate when you get at-least 60% of the course mark. You will get GradsKey certificate if you get more than 50% of the course mark. Course marks would be cumulative of weekly assignments/test, projects, viva, and mock-interviews that happens than and there.

    Yes, with this certification, you will be referred to companies for Internship in your pre-final year, and you will be referred for Pre-placement offers in your final year. This would be through our corporate partners and corporate partners of IIT Madras Pravartak.

    Yes. You will get access to the video of this live interactive workshop demo and lectures, which will be made available for a two years.

    At the end of every week, the video of the class lectures/demo will be uploaded.

    Yes, GradsKey offers good discounts and sometimes waves off the entier fee for the economically deserving students.

    You just have to contact us with the proof, we will do our best from our end.


    Corporate Instructors
    From Premier Companies.
    Corporate Instructors

    "Instructors are from Corporate - Software Engineers from premium companies, working on the cutting-edge technologies and Java on a day to day basis.."