Placement Preparatory Special

Recordings of First day class held on 01/Aug/2021 (Sample videos)

This course has two parts: First part is Data Structures & Algorithms,
and the Second part is System Design.
Audit Course Full Course with Assessments Full Course with Mock Interviews
Participation Certificate ✅ Completion Certificate for DS & Algo / System Design Skills ✅ Completion Certificate for DS & Algo / System Design Skills
8 weeks, 2hrs/week 12 weeks, 4hrs/week 15 weeks, 4hrs/week
n/a ✅ Video Access ✅ Video Access
n/a Weekly Assessment Weekly Assessment
n/a Weekly Solution discussions Weekly Solution discussions
n/a ✅ GradsKey Points for assessments ✅ GradsKey Points for mock interview & assessments
n/a n/a ✅ Mock Interviews
n/a ✅ will get into curated pool for future internship / job opportunities ✅ Pre-placement / Job Opportunities
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for ₹2500

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Product companies primary focus is on data structures & algorithms, and other systems concepts. Cloud and service companies focus mainly on system design concepts. The common or in demand is DSA concepts with mix of OS, DB, System design, Distributed computing concpts. This will ensure and enable aspiring candidates to face interviews at ease. The course objective is to prepare candidates to face interviews with confidence for software / hardware product companies, fintech, cloud & service companies.